NSK Bearing Kit for Valeo Alternators 593684 6202DWS 15X35X11mm, 593563 6303-2RS 17X47X14mm
- $2200 $22.00
NSK Valeo Alternator Bearing Kit
- NSK OEM Valeo Drive End Bearing 6303-2RS 17mmX47mmX14mm 593563
- NSK OEM Valeo SRE Housing Bearing 6202DWS 15mmX35mmX11mm 593684
- Tolerance Ring / Cap
Valeo Alternators seen on Audi, BMW,Ford, GM, Mercedes, Volkswagen, and other applications with NSK Bearings of specifications shown
Unit #s
Valeo A11VI101 A11VI102 A11VI104 A11VI105 A11VI106 A11VI108 A11VI11 A11VI110 A11VI111 A11VI15 A11VI16 A11VI17 A11VI18 A11VI21 A11VI22 A11VI23 A11VI24 A11VI25 A11VI26 A11VI28 A11VI29 A11VI30 A11VI31 A11VI32 A11VI33 A11VI35 A11VI36 A11VI37 A11VI40 A11VI42 A11VI43 A11VI44 A11VI45 A11VI46 A11VI47 A11VI48 A11VI49 A11VI51 A11VI52 A11VI53 A11VI54 A11VI55 A11VI56 A11VI57 A11VI58 A11VI59 A11VI61 A11VI62 A11VI64 A11VI66 A11VI67 A11VI72 A11VI76 A11VI77 A11VI79 A11VI81 A11VI85 A11VI87 A11VI88 A11VI89 A11VI91 A11VI92 A11VI93 A11VI94 A11VI95 A11VI96 A11VI97 A11VI98 A11VI99 A13VI10 A13VI104 A13VI105 A13VI106 A13VI107 A13VI108 A13VI109 A13VI11 A13VI113 A13VI114 A13VI117 A13VI118 A13VI119 A13VI121 A13VI122 A13VI123 A13VI124 A13VI125 A13VI126 A13VI13 A13VI131 A13VI132 A13VI137 A13VI139 A13VI14 A13VI140 A13VI141 A13VI142 A13VI148 A13VI149 A13VI150 A13VI151 A13VI152 A13VI153 A13VI155 A13VI156 A13VI157 A13VI16 A13VI160 A13VI163 A13VI164 A13VI165 A13VI166 A13VI167 A13VI17 A13VI173 A13VI175 A13VI176 A13VI178 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and FG18S141, 2586548A, 2622129A, 22637
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We will make every effort to ship the same business day if you complete your purchase by 2:00PM Central Time. All others will ship the next business day. To Prevent delays or cancellations in orders, please use a verified Paypal Account and/or please ship to the verified address credt card bank has on file matching where you want shipping. We reserve the right to cancel any order with fraud triggers. International orders should pay with verified paypal payment to avoid delays or cancelations. Special Order items may require more time to ship. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES IN SHIPPING DURING THIS PANDEMIC. WE ARE SHIPPING ORDERS BUT DELAYS ARE POSSIBLE WITH CARRIERS We currently ship worldwide via USPS. There is no international service that is reasonable and fast. Shipping with a reasonable price service like USPS then the delivery time can be 10 to 40 days which is difficult to answer delivery times and shipping with a more reliable service the cost is too much for most parts and too much liability if there is an unexpected issue. All international shipments are thoroughly inspected to assure perfect product fulfillment. The buyer is responsible for all duties and taxes charged by the Country of delivery.
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Returns & Warranty-Replacements
Unless otherwise specified in the item listing on our website, on the receipt or packing slip, or in the following terms, Alternatorbrush.com will accept qualified and conforming products for replacement for the period of 1 (one) year. An order may be refunded only within 30 days of the original purchase date. All shipping charges are non-refundable. Send Email with your name, invoice number, and details about the return to: info@alternatorbrush.com
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If order is less than 60 days old, the customer must contact Alternatorbrush.com by email or phone and request a return label by email or by mail. The customer may use this label to return the item to Alternatorbrush.com free of charge. After the item is received byAlternatorbrush.com for processing, Alternatorbrush.com will send out a replacement unit. If the order is within 14 days of purchase date, the customer may elect to have a refund issued instead. All shipping charges are non-refundable. Send Email with your name, invoice number, and details about the return to: info@alternatorbrush.com. If an immediate replacement is required before processing can occur, the customer can purchase a second unit from Alternatorbrush.com to be shipped to the customer at once. This shipping charge will be shipped at Alternatorbrush.com expense. After Alternatorbrush.com receives the returned unit, Alternatorbrush.com will issue a refund for the second purchase. Send Email with your name, invoice number, and details about the return to: info@alternatorbrush.com
If the order is more than 60 days old, the customer must contact Alternatorbrush.com by email or phone to obtain a RMA number to send the item back to Alternatorbrush.com for replacement. After the item is received by Alternatorbrush.com for processing, Alternatorbrush.com will send out a replacement unit. Send Email with your name, invoice number, and details about the return to: info@alternatorbrush.com. If an immediate replacement is required before processing can occur, the customer can purchase a second unit from Alternatorbrush.coml to be shipped to the customer at once. This shipping charge will be shipped atAlternatorbrush.com expense. After Alternatorbrush.com receives the returned unit, Alternatorbrush.com will issue a refund for the second purchase. Send Email with your name, invoice number, and details about the return to: info@alternatorbrush.com
Labor Fees
Labor fees are not covered under our warranty program.
All of our products are covered by our one year warranty from date of purchase. If you have a problem, we will take every step to assist you.To Contact Us About Your Return Send Email with your name, invoice number, and details about the return to: info@alternatorbrush.com . We will answer your email as soon as possible, usually the same day.